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Winter Wishes
Look Back 2024





​Stuil Photo

Dec 22, 2024

Virtual Reality




A report on our year's activities, with a greeting photo session.


In 2024, NYX began a series of interviews and essays with the President of Tokyo University of the Arts as part of its cultural research on “CONTRUST”. Two completely new projects have also been launched! One is about “VR”. The other is on “welfare. With the addition of welfare professionals, the institute has become a lively place. The world is not in a good state, but we are still happy! Well, I did the meet and greet shoot again this year. It's a good opportunity for everyone to get together and reflect. This time we experienced the transformation into a beautiful girl on VR.




The concept for this year's look-back shoot was “Metal Band-gals Summer Vacation,” where we dived into VRChat and toured locations that evoked a sense of youth. Being excited in this way relieves me of my daily fatigue.



The tour concludes with a visit to the apartment where the members used to live. This is a 3D scan of the room, which was uploaded onto VRChat. The 2024 reflection session is now complete.



In 2024, NYX entered a year of new challenges, moving into the world of VR and focusing more on digital creations. We went on a technological adventure with photogrammetry and LLM and never returned. Although it is often considered "just playing for fun," this is an adventure in human creativity. Just as shogi players continue to reach the singular point of human intelligence even when they can no longer beat AI. We are seeking ways to apply them to business while emphasizing "human dignity" and "high cognitive abilities that machine intelligence cannot recognize.


We have also begun experimenting with AI in creative fields such as music and design. While we explore new possibilities of "human x AI," in the end, the most enjoyable time is still the time we spend playing while listening to metal music. At the end of 2024, as part of our creative endeavours, the entire team conducted a "VR Incarnation" this year. We gathered in a virtual space (the house where our members lived) utilizing photogrammetry. Of course, this also involved the combined efforts of designers, photographers, and technologists in vain. And we realized that we don't need real meeting space anymore. Just we need this cosy Virtual Reality and never turning back. Anyways, we will continue to be freedom-loving creators without forgetting our playful spirit. I wish you all a Happy New Year!



「なんだかんだ遊んでるだけ」と思われがちですが、これは人間の創造性を巡る冒険なのです。将棋の棋士たちが、AIに勝てなくなっても人間の知性の頂点を極め続けているように。 私たちは、「人間の尊厳」と「機械知能には持ち得ない高い認知能力」を重視しながら、それらをビジネスにどう活かせるかを模索しています。そして、音楽やデザインといったクリエイティブな分野において、AIを敢えて積極的に取り入れる実験も開始しました。


「人間×AI」の新しい可能性を探る一方で、結局メタルを聴きながら遊んでいる時間が一番楽しいことに変わりはありません。 2024年の最後に、私たちのクリエイティブな試みの一環として、今年はチーム全員で「バ美肉(※バーチャル美少女受肉)」を実施。フォトグラメトリを活用したバーチャル空間(実際にメンバーが住んでいた家の3Dモデル)に集合しました。もちろん、これにもデザイナー、フォトグラファー、テクノロジストの力が無駄に結集されています。あまりに居心地が良く、「もう、打ち合わせここでよくね?」となりました。


来年も、遊び心を忘れずにクリエイティブな挑戦を続けていく予定です。 皆様も、どうぞ良いお年をお迎えください!


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